Yellowstone National Park

After three days at Glacier, we had to pull ourselves away and convince each other that there were other cool places to see outside of northern Montana.  So we loaded up the rental car with all of our gear and headed on the seven hour drive south to Yellowstone National Park.  I failed to mention earlier that part of our rental car excitement in Glacier National Park included a boulder rolling down the mountain and smashing into the car as we were driving on one of those windy narrow roads.  The scary part wasn’t so much the microwave size boulder that hit the side of the car, but rather not knowing if there were other rocks hurtling down the mountain towards you at the same time.  Lucky for us it was just the single boulder and not too much damage to the car.

Anyway, eventually we arrived at Yellowstone, and here are some of the amazing things we saw.

Yellowstone is one of those places that has something for everyone.  Tons of wildlife to see, beautiful river canyons with waterfalls, open views that are hard to imagine, and the world’s largest collection of geysers.

Here are a couple of random pictures that turned out well


I was kind of surprised by how tame much of the wildlife was.  They didn’t seem to care in the slightest about people walking by.  This elk just plopped down in the grass on the side of the road.


Honestly, my favorite part was looking at all the geothermal areas of Yellowstone.  I expected to see geysers, because everyone has heard of Old Faithful.  But I didn’t expect to see so many hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles.  These things were everywhere, and they are constantly changing.  Walking around here and seeing the contrast in colors was like being on another planet.



Anyway, got to run….Next stop, Grand Teton!

Thanks for Reading! 

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